Using Github as a Comment system for your site

In this note, we will explore both utterances and giscus. However, I prefer giscus.

Why choose giscus over utterances?

How to use giscus

If you are using plain JS, simply follow the official guide.

change theme by click toggle theme

// change theme to dark when click toggle-theme
const toggleTheme = document.querySelector('[toggle-theme]');
toggleTheme.addEventListener('click', () => {
function sendMessage(message) {
// check giscus is initial
const iframe = document.querySelector('iframe.giscus-frame');
if (! iframe) return;
// put message to giscus
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage({ giscus: message}, '');
setConfig: {
theme: theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'; // Change theme to light if current theme is dark

Checkout my component

For those wanting to use it with Web Frameworks like React or Vue, refer to this giscus-component.

Migrating from utterances

To integrate giscus into your website, follow the instructions provided in the official guide.

You can convert each issue to the corresponding discussion. Make sure what you choose in the config of Mapping between posts and discussions (giscus) or issues (utterances) is consistent. In my case, I choose “page title”.


Before migrating, consider creating a new discussion with the exact name you will use for the comments. Then add some comments to that discussion. After reloading your page, you should see the comments. Remember to remove this test before migrating to avoid any conflicts.

In each issue, an option “Convert to discussion” is available at the bottom right.

If you wish to convert multiple issues at once:

  1. Ensure the issues are open.
  2. Create a new label (in the label overview page —, for example, “comments”.
  3. Return to the issues page, select all the pages you want, and then add the label “comments” to them.
  4. Navigate back to the label overview page, where you will see a button “Convert to discussions” next to the label “comments”.

Using utterances

Simply follow the official guide.

For integration in Next.js or in any React site, follow these steps:

  1. Create a hook
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'
const useScript = (params: any) => {
const { url, theme, issueTerm, repo, ref } = params
const [status, setStatus] = useState(url ? 'loading' : 'idle')
useEffect(() => {
if (!url) {
const script = document.createElement('script')
script.src = url
script.async = true
script.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'
script.setAttribute('theme', theme)
script.setAttribute('issue-term', issueTerm)
script.setAttribute('repo', repo)
// Check if the script is already in the document?
const existingScript = !!document.getElementsByClassName('utterances')[0] || ref?.current?.firstChild
if (existingScript) {
} else {
const setAttributeStatus = (event: any) => {
setStatus(event.type === 'load' ? 'ready' : 'error')
script.addEventListener('load', setAttributeStatus)
script.addEventListener('error', setAttributeStatus)
return () => {
if (script) {
script.removeEventListener('load', setAttributeStatus)
script.removeEventListener('error', setAttributeStatus)
}, [url])
return status
export default useScript
  1. Use this hook in a client component ('use client')
'use client'
// imports
const Comments = () => {
const comment = useRef(null)
const status = useScript({
url: '',
theme: 'github-light',
issueTerm: 'title',
repo: 'namnh198/',
ref: comment
return (
<div className={cn(className, containerNormal, 'mt-8')}>
{status === 'loading' && ( <div>Loading comments...</div> )}
<div ref={comment}></div>
export default Comments