- Make your terminal looks like better. A collection of console terminal in serveral operations sytem.
- In this note, I used Weterm for MacOS. If you use windows, you can use Windows Terminal + WSL
- Checkout my dotfiles in Github Repository
- Ubuntu + WSL
- From MacOS Catalina, the default shell changed to the ZSH shell, you do not need to change.
- Automatic
- Manual
In your .zshrc
add the following snippet:
- zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting
- zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-users/zsh-completions
Install Nerd fonts (It provides for programing hight number icons)
- Manual: Go to Github Repository -> Choose fonts you want to use -> Download & Install
- Install by script:
Install themes (Catppuccin Mocha)
- Go to https://catppuccin.com/ports
- Search tools that you want to change theme
- Follow their step to install
Install starship (theme zsh)
- Add this code below in your
- To get started configuring starship, create the following file:
. Follow official guide to configure: https://starship.rs/config/ - My Preset starship: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/namnh198/dotfiles/main/zsh/.config/starship.toml
Sometimes you may encounter commands that are too long than necessary. Typing out such commands can become time-consuming and inefficient, especially if you regularly use the command. That’s where command aliases come into play.
You can define alias in file .zshrc
or install via zinit snippet