Node.js is not programing languages like JS, PHP. It’s just the runtime environment that allows running JS on whichever machine likes servers, desktops,…
Install multiple versions
First, need to install nvm to manage node version.
For Mac M1 Chipset: If you want to install Node.Js version ≤ 14, this’s not support the new chipset. To install, you must be install “Rosetta”
Below commands are using for mostly Linux/MacOS users
package.json is the most basic part to understand and work with Node.js , npm and also javascript . It’s saved all library and framework that you use on your project define by 2 properties dependencies and devDependencies.
Note that: with devDependencies only use for development. If the “NODE_ENV” is “production”, all package defined on devDependencies will not be installed
Update package
Remove package
Run script
Recently, I’m switching to Bun. Bun is a new Javascript runtime that speeds the installation & build. Bun is designed as a drop-in replacement for Node.js. It natively implements hundreds of Node.js