You need to buy and generate a license key and add Private Packagist to composer.json
Then, install the theme package and its dependencies
Switch current theme to hyva/default theme: Content -> Design -> Configuration
In developer mode, the static content will be automatically generate, but in production mode, running bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy is required.
Hyva theme does not support old Magento Catcha. Please disable the default Magento Catcha form to work:
Hyva theme does not support buit-in minification and bundling
Because Hyva theme has another command to minfy CSS and JS. If you enabled buit-in minification and bundling HTML, CSS, JS maybe cause unwanted effects
Hyva theme makes use of the Magento GraphQL API. Ensure required GraphQL modules are enabled
By default all Magento GraphQL modules are enabled. However, often unused GraphQL modules are disabled in Magento Stores using Luma theme.
Building your theme
The first step is to create a child theme that will contain all your customization. Set the parent theme to Hyva/default
Next, copy the web directory will all files from the parent theme vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-default-theme/web/ to your own child theme app/design/frontend/YourCompany/default/web/
Once you make a change to your theme, be aware that you have to regenerate your theme’s style.css file.
Generating CSS
Please read tailwind-related to take more information TailwindCSS
CSS Structure
The source CSS files are located in the directory web/tailwind
The components directory is for reusable elements such as button, input, slides
The theme/components directory is intend for larger components or pages, such as categories page, products page, account pages, etc