Fresh Install MacOS

This note for me only

Create boot Installer USB

Terminal window
# Sequoia
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
# Sonoma
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume
# Ventura
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ --volume /Volumes/MyVolume

Keyboard & Trackpad Settings

Go to Keyboard Settings and then

  1. Should choose “U.S” instead of “U.S. International” because with the later, we have underline score below special symbols like "
  2. For Vietnamese Input method, Don’t choose built-in VN input options. Use OpenKey instead (Need to allow this app in Privacy & Security if you don’t want to turn off Gate keeper) because there have uncomfortable underline when we type and I have problem when typing in some apps like Messenger,…
    • The OpenKey support auto switch input method smart: You’re using Skype with V mode but when you switch to Terminal the input method will be automatically E mode
    • The OpenKey support both Telex and VNI but I recommend you should use VNI to avoid conflicts when typing English in V mode such as as => á, etc
  3. Turn off “Use F1, F2 etc. keys as standard function keys” if you rarely uses them.
  4. Key repeat rate -> Fast, Delay until repeat -> Short to skip delay when holding key

Other useful keyboard tips

  1. Enabled “Three finders to drag”: **System Settings -> Accessibility -> Pointer Control -> Trackpad Options”
  2. Short switch new desktops: Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcut -> Missing Control -> Checked all “Switch to Desktop”



Terminal window
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# After installation, don't forget adding to PATH
echo 'eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> ~/.zprofile
eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)

Some commands

Terminal window
# install package
brew install package
# install app
brew install --cask app
# search package
brew search package
# list packages need to upgrade
brew outdated
# upgrade packages
brew upgrade

Installation & Configuration CLI Tools

Checkout Repository:

Terminal window
# download dotfiles
git clone ~/.dotfiles
# go to .dotfiles directory
cd ~/.dotfiles
# install packages
brew bundle --file=~/.dotfiles/brew/Brewfile
# config zsh
stow zsh
# config nvim
stow nvim

Other Settings

  1. Remove delay dock: defaults write "autohide-delay" -float "0" && killall Dock
  2. Paste as plain text Cmd + Shift + V
  3. Cut & Paste file: Cmd + C -> Cmd + V